Dream Factory Community Conference Presenters

Posted On: Saturday, April 4, 2015

Thursday Night Presenter

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Conference Workshop Choices: 9:30-10:30am

Title: Connecting with Belief to Communicate with Spirit

Facilitator: Diane Marie Ford    
Learn how your relationship to what you believe influences if/how you connect with spirit.  Claim and step into your intuitive self to yield powerful and rich relationships with those who have gone before you, your ancestors and loved ones in spirit.This is an interactive workshop infused with love and levity.


Diane Marie Ford, Certified Holistic Counselor, Spirit Medium, Intuitive. Founder & CEO of Listen To Thyself.  I am in the business of helping people in the ‘here and now’ connect and communicate with those who have ‘gone before us’.  Whether you want to simply connect and have a conversation with a loved one in spirit or delve into counseling with an ancestor to heal deeply ingrained multi-generational beliefs which no longer serve your highest and best, I am at your service… actually; ‘we’ are at your service.  She can be reached at: diane@listentothyself.com and  www.listentothyself.com.

Title: Connecting With Ourselves Through Writing and Healing 

Facilitator: Deborah Lynn Strafuss, RMT, Usui Shiki Royoho

Connecting with ourselves opens doors to being fully connected to others, to life and to joy. Come and learn how Deborah has navigated the challenges of life through writing, meditation and healing work, and how you can bring these connection-creating elements into your own life.







Deborah Lynn Strafuss, a Dream Factory Community member since 2008, is   CDO Circle Leader Coordinator and led the Framingham Circle for seven years. She has supported many women in achieving their dreams and creating their lives throughout that time. As a poet and writer she has connected to deep places in her life and spiritual journey. Her upcoming book, On Angels’ Wings, a Journey Through Alzheimer’s With My Mother, explores the anguishing process of loving and losing a parent through an inexorable and incurable disease. As a Reiki Master and Teacher, Deborah incorporates the practice of Reiki in her daily life as well as teaching and bringing the gift of Reiki Healing to others as owner of Crystal Reiki at The Gentle Place Wellness Group.  She can be reached at: dstraf@comcast.net,  www.crystalreikienergy.com, and www.DeborahLynnBeginnings.com.

Title: Enhance Your Intuition to Connect Deeper to your Inner Wisdom

Facilitator: Carolyn McGee

We all have an inner voice that speaks to us.  Intuition is a gift that we are born with. For some it is a gift that provides great peace and clarity. For some it was conditioned out of us. Some were taught to not trust our internal guidance and to use our logic or family rules instead. In this workshop, insight is provided for connecting deeper and trusting the inner wisdom and divine guidance that is always available if we just listen and believe.

Carolyn McGee

Carolyn McGee








Carolyn McGee is a Master Intuitive Healer, Teacher & Coach specializing in helping  you to release your blocks to turn on the faucet of abundance so that your life will flow with ease and grace.  By helping you identify and transcend patterns that are preventing you from achieving the life of your dreams, she guides you to align with your inner power and wisdom so that you easily recognize your intuition and trust your guidance!  Carolyn is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Angelic Life Coach utilizing Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) , Chakradance Facilitator, co-author of the International Best Seller ”Embracing Your Authentic Self”, co-author in “365 Days of Angel Prayers” and host of the BlogTalk Radio shows “Angels on Air” and “The Spiritual Book Club”.   www.GatewayToYou.com


Conference Workshop Choices: 10:45-11:45am

Title: Sacred Pause: To Imagine

Facilitator: Leslie Ackles

  • Imagine letting go of self-limiting beliefs
  • Imagine creating and living into your own dream for your life
  • Imagine doing this in a safe, sacred space.

Join us to slow down, stepping off the treadmill of life. Recieve the gift of spaciousness to Imagine stepping into the fullness of your own life. During this workshop we will examine your old beliefs and rules for living. Then we will take a breath and visualize opening to new beliefs, new agreements, new life. This workshop is based on The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

Leslie Ackles

Leslie Ackles

Leslie A. Ackles is the founder of Oasis-Power working with women to Slow down…..take a breath….and Discover the Power of their Inner Wisdom.  Leslie received a M.Ed. from Harvard University and a BS in Human Development from UCDavis.  Leslie can be reached at: leslie@oasisconsultant.com.  Her website is: www.oasis-power.com


Title: The Journey of the Soul

Facilitator: Supriya Shanti

  • Would you like to have a better understanding of the spirit dimension?
  • Would you like to know where the spirit of your loved one is now?
  • Would you like to reconnect with your loved one?
  • Do you have unfinished business or something you want to say to feel complete?
  • Would you like to continue to be part of your loved one’s journey?

Get all this and more during this one-hour group session with Supriya Shanti.


Supriya Shanti, LICSW has been a practicing Psychic Medium for 20+ years. She specializes in exploring and navigating the soul.  Supriya has helped folks connect with their loved ones who left the physical plane, stuck spirits move on, and those left behind understand the bigger picture.  She is also a LICSW inprivate practice in Brattleboro, VT and Northampton, MA.  She can be reached at: supriya.shanti@gmail.com and www.supriyashanti.com.


Title: The Key to Leadership: Connecting to Your Authentic Self

Facilitator: Diane MacDonald

When we take the steps to connect to our Authentic Selves we are able to manifest deeper and more meaningful relationships, and step up as more effective leaders.  In this Key Note I will explore the steps of authentic exploration and how from there we can empower and encourage transformation and growth as leaders in business, in our communities and in our families.







Diane L. MacDonald is an educator, personal development and business coach to entrepreneurs, business owners, individuals in transition and teachers.  She has been a successful small business owner and consultant for the past 25 years; using the principles she teaches and harnessing a deep awareness of her authentic self she transformed her life and created work and a life she loves.  She can be reached at: diane@awomanalive.com and www.awomanalive.com.


Group Workshop

Workshop Title: Opening to Divine Guidance

Facilitator: Judy Giovangelo, Executive Director of Ben Speaks

In this workshop Judy will share pieces of her incredible journey after the loss of her son Ben and lead us to access & connect more deeply to our inner voice and the supporting guidance that is available to all of us.

Judy Giovangelo

Judy Giovangelo

Judy Giovangelo is an intuitive & spiritual coach and healer who started the non-profit Ben Speaks Louder Than Words after losing her middle son Benjamin to suicide in 2009.  Through divine guidance, she became a voice and teacher for change.  She can be reached at: giovangelo@comcast.net and www.benspeaks.org.

Closing Ritual

Hope in Action Celebratory Ritual

We will integrate the day’s explorations and gifts with a sacred group experience that welcomes the support of nature and sound into our dream-into-action processes.


Luz Elena in front of Mahalo Center


Luz Elena Morey, MA, RDT is a transpersonal eco-centered psychotherapist. Luz Elena (pronounced Loo Seh LAY nah) is founder and director of The Mahalo Art Center, in Brattleboro, Vermont. Alongside her private practice with individuals, she leads professional development trainings, therapeutic expressive arts programs and individual retreats. More information about Luz Elena is found at: luzelenamorey@gmail.com and www.mahaloartcenter.com.

